Monday, July 31, 2017

[Video Demo] How To Drown Out Harmful Thought Patterns From Childhood Using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Using NLP to Transform Childhood Thought Patterns

In this empowering NLP demonstration, master hypnotist and NLP practitioner – Martijn Groenendal – helps a woman drown out a critical voice that’s been in her head since childhood – her father’s.
This disappointing voice pops up whenever she attempts something new, and aside from being frustrating, it still has the power to dictate her success or failure when it comes to learning.
Watch the video to hear Martijn explain why it’s common for people to still hear these voices as adults, and to see him use NLP to transform this subject’s thought pattern into something more positive.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

7 Emotions Ethical Persuasion Masters Use: Uncover Their Secrets So You Can Transform Destructive Emotions & Inspire Change

7 Emotions Ethical Persuasion Masters Use: Uncover Their Secrets So You Can Transform Destructive Emotions & Inspire Change

 “It’s just emotion that’s taking me over.”
Does the above line sound familiar? It’s from the famous Bee Gees song Emotion, and yes, it relates to matters of the heart. Or otherwise known as that all-consuming thing we call love.
Which brings us to our next point… ever wondered why there are so many songs about love?
The answer is pretty obvious: love is one of the biggest, most powerful emotions there is.
Songs about love have a big impact on us because most people can relate to them. Either they are in love, or they have been in love, or they want to be in love.
Like love, every emotion has a positive purpose, something it’s trying to achieve that’s useful for that person.
When used ethically, emotions can create a tremendous amount of leverage for positive change within a person.
They allow you – as the hypnotist – to achieve profound results by tapping into a subject’s emotions at a deep level, which in turn can transform the way a person thinks.
This enables you to motivate the person toward positive changes. Or it can simply be a case of releasing a block that’s in the way, after which the motivation will naturally appear.
So far so good.
But why do we talk about the emotions of persuasion?
Well, again the answer is probably obvious. As a hypnotist, your goal is tomotivate certain kinds of behavior.
To do that, you need to be persuasive. Your arguments have to resonate with your subjects. And if you can appeal to their emotions, then you can potentially persuade them to do great things.
Of course, when you start using these 7 emotions of persuasion masters, you want to focus on the positive intention behind them.
Your goal is not to get your own way or to exploit anybody. Not at all. This is not what hypnosis is about.
As a hypnotist with ethical standards, your job is to use hypnosis to help others lead more positive, happy and healthy lives.
This article focuses on the 7 emotions of persuasion and how to work with them.
We’ll look at the purpose of the emotions, the conditions that will build the emotions that you need, and how to release those emotions afterwards so that the whole emotional life cycle becomes natural, smooth and healthy.
To kick things off, we’ll start with the dark side of emotions, the 4 emotions that are the most destructive – sometimes referred to as the Four Emotions of the Apocalypse. These 4 emotions are:
  1. Fear
  2. Anger
  3. Hatred
  4. Guilt
Believe it or not, each of these emotions serves a valuable purpose.

1. Fear


Fear is one of the easiest emotions for human beings to experience. This may be due to the fact that fear was initially designed to protect us. You can use fear to motivate action (like self-protection – i.e. fight the problem), to change (like moving house – i.e. flee the problem) or to inhibit a response (like shooting your mouth off – i.e. freeze the problem.)

2. Anger


Although you might not think so, anger can be a useful emotion to have. It has the power to compel you to do something so that you’re able to move forward with your life.

3. Hate


Hate is difficult to deal with because it isn’t just a pure emotion. It’s a mixture of an attitude (prejudice) with a state (aversion).
Hate is a protective emotion.
Its purpose is to motivate you to destroy the object of hate. While anger serves to remove a temporary threat (something that’s in passing and then you re-establish boundaries), hate is designed to remove a threat permanently, typically by destroying it.

4. Guilt


Guilt is closely related to shame. So closely related, in fact, that often you can assume one where the other is present. Guilt is designed to help you stick to a moral or ethical standard. It serves to motivate someone to repair any harm they’ve done when they’ve fallen below that moral or ethical standard. It also works to prevent future errors of judgment and to make amends for past mistakes.

The 3 Musketeers Of Virtue

The final 3 emotions used by masters of persuasion are positive emotions.
These emotions serve to counterbalance the 4 Emotions Of The Apocalypse and are referred to as the 3 Musketeers Of Virtue. They are:
  1. Pity
  2. Kindness
  3. Admiration
You will notice that “love” has not been included in this list. That’s because love can easily be evoked and most people know how to do this already. When love is difficult to evoke, it’s easier to use the 3 Musketeers anyway.

1. Pity


Pity is the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others. Pity motivates us to help someone that is in need. It’s an internal motivation that is virtuous on one level, and selfish on another.

2. Kindness


Kindness is the desire to assist or offer a gift to someone without an obvious reward. The most altruistic of all the emotions, kindness motivates action for no apparent payoff.
The function of kindness is to be a sort of social glue, an emotional glue that bonds people in society.
The act of doing kind things for other people is tremendously rewarding. Kindness allows relationships to form through a kind of mutual indebtedness, so look out for hidden rewards.

3. Admiration


Admiration doesn’t refer to the desire to be admired (though that may come into it), but the desire to be more like a role model of theirs.Admiration in this context is designed to motivate a person toward self-improvement.
And those are the 7 emotions used by ethical persuasion masters.
Once you’ve reached this point, you’re a master of ethical persuasion. It’s your chance to become an inspiring, compassionate, skillful and respected force for good in the world… so what are you waiting for?!?





Monday, July 17, 2017

What Can Hypnosis Treat? 15 Common Issues Resolved By Going Into A Hypnotic Trance (PLUS Scientific Studies To Back It Up)

As a hypnotist, there are some questions you get asked all the time.

“How does hypnosis work?”  

“Will I lose control?”  

“What can hypnosis treat?”

People are often surprised by the responses to all of these questions, but the last question in particular never fails to impress people.


Because hypnosis can treat everything from helping people stop smoking (smoking cessation), weight loss, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, pain relief, self-esteem issues, physical healing, trauma, bad habits and phobias, in addition to many other issues.

In fact, you might be hard pressed to discover something that hypnosis WON’T be able to treat.

But why is this the case? What makes hypnosis so special, and why can it treat so many different issues?  

To understand this, check out this article at now

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Interview With A Hypnotist: Neuroscientist and Success Coach, Ramon David, Reveals The Neurological Processes During Transformational Change Work

Interview With A Hypnotist: Neuroscientist and Success Coach, Ramon David, Reveals The Neurological Processes During Transformational Change Work

In this powerful interview, neuroscientist and master hypnotist Ramon David reveals the neurological processes during transformational change work.

Martial arts, adventure, success, failure, intrigue, a near-death experience, transformation and a whole lotta neuroscience and hypnosis

In this exciting interview, he shares with Igor Ledochowski how his curiosity for growth and adventure led him to neuroscience, hypnosis and even extreme sport.

Plus you’ll also find out the 7 most effective habits of brain-healthy people.


Go ahead and listen to this fascinating interview now...

Saturday, July 1, 2017

[NLP DEMO] How To Use The NLP “Swish Pattern” To Redefine A Negative Self-Image & Increase Confidence

[NLP DEMO] How To Use The NLP “Swish Pattern” To Redefine A Negative Self-Image & Increase Confidence
There are many reasons someone seeks out the professional help of a hypnotist.

To quit smoking, to dissolve a fear of public speaking… or even to squash their fear of spiders, just to name a few.

But other issues hypnotists regularly come across are those around confidence and self-esteem. Namely, subjects having a negative – and often disproportionate – view of themselves.

Meaning as a hypnotist, knowing how to help people improve their self image is part of your stock-in-trade.

In the above video, you’ll see one of our trainers, Master Hypnotist Martijn Groenendal, demonstrate the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) Swish Pattern technique to do just that.

Watch the video to see how Martijn works with the subject to redefine his negative and judgmental self-image into a happier, more accepting version of himself.