Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Science Behind Hypnosis: 19 Breakthrough Medical Studies Prove The Astounding Power of Hypnosis To Heal The Body & Mind

The Science Behind Hypnosis: 19 Breakthrough Medical Studies Prove The Astounding Power of Hypnosis To Heal The Body and Mind
So, let’s say someone asks you:

“Does hypnosis really work or is it just pseudoscience?”

You tell them yes, without hesitation. But you’ve just stumbled into a trap and you didn’t even realize it.

They then ask you: “So you’re saying it is pseudoscience?”  You quickly try to clarify “No, I meant that yes, hypnosis does really work”.

“Okay… do you have any examples of scientific studies about it?”

“Um…well…actually…”  You’re scrambling in your mind.

For the first time it dawns on you…you don’t actually have any credible proof to continue this conversation. Except for what you’ve seen first hand. And what you’ve heard passed around in your hypnosis circles.

Fear not weary Internet traveler. We’ve stepped up to the plate to help you in your search.  We’ve painstakingly dug through all the research we could get our hands on and we’ve been able to unearth 19 promising studies.

So make sure to bookmark this page right now. You’ll want to share this article the next time someone asks you “So, do you have any proof?”

Don’t worry, we’ll wait.

Ok, done?  Good, let’s get started.

1) Functional Changes In Brain Activity After Hypnosis In Patients With Dental Phobia

Functional changes in brain activity after hypnosis 

This is a truly ground-breaking study.  It’s the first one to study the effects of various areas of the brain before and after hypnosis in people with dental phobias.

While it’s a relatively small sample size, it’s a push in the right direction. Out of the 24 people involved in the study, 12 were dental phobics and the other 12 were the control group.

This study illustrates the fact that anxiety-provoking stimuli can be reduced via hypnosis. This includes the actual dental surgery, endodontic treatments, and a low amount of anesthesia.

It also shows that the fear centers of the brain changed as well.

Using fMRI (function magnetic resonance imaging) various fear structures of the brain were researched.

The conclusion so far is hypnosis is a powerful method inhibiting reaction of fear circuitry structures in dental phobics.

2) The Effects Of Hypnosis & Music: Breast Biopsy

Effects of hypnosis and music: Breast Biopsy

When it comes to hypnosis or music helping to reduce the anxiety of getting a breast biopsy – hypnosis wins hands down.

For this study, 75 breast biopsy patients were randomly assigned to 3 different groups.  A control group, a music only group and a hypnosis/music group.

Before the breast biopsy the group exposed to music had less stress and anxiety.  Here’s where it gets interesting – the hypnosis with music group had a reduction in stress, anxiety, depression, and an over increase in optimism.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

[HYPNOTIC GUIDE] The Top 10 Hypnosis Trends In 2017 & What They Mean For You As A Hypnotist

[HYPNOTIC GUIDE] The Top 10 Hypnosis Trends In 2017 & What They Mean For You As A Hypnotist

Hypnosis has been around since at least the 1700s. Back then, Franz Mesmer, an Austrian physician, referred to it as “animal magnetism” or “mesmerism.” More than 300 years later, hypnosis has evolved and remains in use today. In fact, its popularity still keeps growing steadily.
But before hypnosis was accepted as a form of therapy it was widely used as a form of entertainment. Gradually it gained attention as a highly effective, non-invasive and respected form of therapy.
Now more than ever hypnosis is a highly relevant practice. That’s why as a hypnotist, it’s important to stay on top of current and emerging trends in hypnosis.
As a rule, hypnosis won’t suddenly switch course because of new trends in the way that, say, technology does.
It’s more likely to have slow-burning issues which eventually expand in popularity and the hypnosis community adapts techniques and strategies to address new needs.
That’s why it’s a good idea to start the year off with some ideas of what to keep an eye out for in 2017. Which is why we’ve put together some of thebiggest changes and trends to get you started.

1.Traditional Treatments Are Evolving

As a therapy, hypnosis is frequently used to help people stop smoking, lose weight and gain confidence. Successful treatment for these problems is how many people have come to understand hypnosis’ incredible potential.
Of course, these issues will still be around in 2017, but a few more “modern” twists on the problems have come to light. In hypnosis, therapy has expanded to include treatments for…

E-cigarettes Or “Vaping”: Kicking The Habit

Recently, in an attempt to stop smoking, people have been turning to ‘vaping’ (electronic ‘cigarettes’) as an alternative. Unfortunately, recent studies from the American Association for the Advancement of Science reported vaping may not be as harmless as originally believed.
The toxicology study took cell samples from the nostrils of three categories of people: those with a history of smoking, a history of vaping, and those who never smoked or vaped.
Next, the activity levels of 594 genes associated with the body’s ability to fight infections within the cells were measured.
Within the group of smokers, 53 of the genes were found to have diminished activity, as was the case in people using e-cigarettes.
Additional studies have found that the liquids and flavorings used in e-cigarettes suppresses the cell function meant to fight infection and has a negative impact on the nasal passages, lungs and bloodstream.
As these findings are becoming public knowledge and people become more aware of the considerable health risks associated with vaping, many e-cigarette users will likely need help to wean themselves off the habit. And as hypnosis is a widely known and respected treatment used to help people quit smoking, it’s likely hypnotists will start seeing more “vaper” subjects.

Weight Loss & The Virtual Gastric Band

When it comes to weight loss, the use of hypnosis has expanded to include weight control as an effective way to help people gain weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Specifically for weight loss, a common technique is the hypno gastric bandwhich continues to gain popularity as a non-invasive alternative to the surgical procedure.
University of Hull is conducting clinical trials to compare the effects of Virtual Gastric Bands with Relaxation Hypnotherapy and following a self-directed diet.
It’s also worth noting, a clinical trial implies that Relaxation Hypnotherapy has become acknowledged as an effective weight loss practice and potentially a better alternative to surgery. This is a huge step forward for the recognition of hypnotherapy by the academic and medical community