Friday, December 22, 2017

5 Hypnosis Techniques For Grinch-Free Holidays

5 Hypnosis Techniques To Transform Negative Emotions During Christmas

Yes, Christmas is meant to be a happy and festive time.

But let’s face it, the holidays can get pretty stressful.

Which means this time of the year presents the perfect opportunity to practise your hypnosis skills so you can keep yourself and everyone around you feeling calm and cheerful without letting holiday stress get in the way.

Check out this "Christmas Survival Guide" created by the Hypnosis Training Academy to discover how to beat the Grinch and transform negative emotions by:

1. Setting your daily intention using self-hypnosis and powerful mantras to keep a positive attitude throughout the day.

2. Using distraction methods to lift others out of bad moods -- when one person (especially the host) is stressed it can trickle down and make others also feel tense… but not once you know how to break the “Grump Pattern”!

3. Giving a shot of “hero fuel” to a friend or relative going through a tough time to help them focus on the positive aspects of their life and re-energize their self-belief using conversational hypnosis.

4. Showing off your hypnosis talents and giving your family a “hypnotic gift” using a 4-step sequence to instantly provide a self-esteem boost

So break out the eggnog and check out this amusing and useful article so you can stay feeling festive throughout the holidays and lift the spirits of everyone around you!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

How To Rewire Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza Explains

How To Rewire Your Brain And Recondition Your body : Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza Explains

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a brilliant neuroscientist and author with a knack for demystifying complicated neuroscience.

His goal is to show how anyone can use the latest scientific discoveries in neuroplasticity to “rewire” the brain and recondition the body for lasting change.

You see, the unconscious mind can’t tell the difference between a memory of an event, and the event itself.

So when you replay negative thoughts, feelings and memories, the mind reacts as if the event were really happening...

...your heart rate increases, breathing changes and your body goes into a “fight or flight” response (commonly known as stress).

Not surprisingly, repeated stress leads to major health problems.

But here’s the good news:

The human mind has an incredible capacity to observe our own thoughts and behaviors, which means you can alter your brain structure by integrating new thoughts and behaviors.

Not only that – but you can even change your genetic expression.

It isn’t always easy... especially when it comes to deeply ingrained habits and addictions.

But hypnosis can make it MUCH more likely someone will successfully replace negative thought patterns with positive, healthy new pathways!

Intrigued to find out how?

Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy to listen to Dr. Dispenza’s illuminating talk today.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

10-Step Process To Performing Instant Inductions And Avoiding A Street Hypnosis Mishap – 2nd Edition

10-Step Process To Performing Instant Inductions And Avoiding A Street Hypnosis Mishap

If you’ve never tried an instant induction before, you might be surprised to discover how easy they are to perform.

Why are they so easy? Well, part of the answer lies in their name. They’re instant inductions, which means you can do them very quickly.

That’s important, especially if you’re doing street hypnosis as you won’t have the luxury of being able to spend 10-20 minutes getting people relaxed enough to go into trance.

So whatever you do, it’s gotta be done in a hurry.

Intrigued to learn the speedy skills that'll turn you into a successful street hypnotist?

Then you won't want to miss this FREE guide by the Hypnosis Training Academy where they reveal a proven 10-step process to performing successful instant inductions.

Even if you’re a complete beginner, you can learn how to successfully perform instant inductions just by following the step-by-step process outlined below.

Learn how to successfully perform instant inductions

What's more, they even throw in a bunch of useful tips that'll make you a confident hypnotist, in addition to a really engaging video demonstration of a hypnotist performing street hypnosis on the streets of Las Vegas.

You won't want to miss this guide – so check it out now!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Interview With A Hypnotist: Karsten Küstner Shares How To Overcome Unhealthy Relationships With Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Strategies

Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner Shares How To Overcome Narcissistic Abus

Dealing with – and breaking free from – an unhealthy relationship is never easy. But the good news is, there are strategies available that can pave the way for a healthy recovery.

In this heartfelt interview with a master hypnotist, Karsten Küstner, he shares his journey into hypnosis, in addition to a very personal account of how he dealt with narcissistic abuse in an unhealthy relationship.

Listen to this interview to find out how Karsten found his passion for helping others overcome abusive relationships so they can transition into more confident, healthier versions of themselves.