Thursday, April 28, 2016

How To Hypnotize Someone In Less Than A Minute With The 60 Second Hypnotist

How To Hypnotize Someone In Less Than A Minute With The 60 Second Hypnotist

The challenge: how to hypnotize someone in less than 60 seconds.

That’s just one measly little minute.

Barely enough time to boil the kettle, and certainly not long enough to boil an egg.

No matter what you’re doing, 60 seconds is quick. Whatever the activity, it’ll seem like you just got started and then it’s over.

That short space of time is enough to accomplish some things, though. And one of those things is... hypnotize someone.

Ironically, it’ll take you much longer to read this article than to perform a full hypnotic procedure. Yes, it’ll take practice, and yes, there are a lot of separate steps involved. But once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to go through the whole process in a flash.

So what exactly does the 60 second hypnotist process involve?

There are 10 different parts to work through, although some of those parts are actually very short sentences. The whole thing starts with your intention. If you’re a regular reader you’ll recognize that as H+.

Here is a list of the 10 steps with an explanation of what they mean so you know exactly how to hypnotize someone in 60 seconds!


1. H+ - Contact - Permission

H+ refers to your intention to do your best for the person you’re going to hypnotize. It means getting switched on so you’re as positive and energetic as possible. With only 60 seconds to work in, you haven’t got time to waste. So you need to jump right in with your mindset already on fire.

To make the process successful in the given time, you need help. Some of that help comes in the form of encouraging your subject to go deeper into a trance as quickly as possible. One way of doing that is by touching them on the arm or shoulder. And that brings us directly to the third element in this stage.

Before you start touching the other person on the arm or shoulder, you need to get their permission. It doesn’t have to be in writing, but you have to get it nevertheless. As well as providing you with a simple but effective tool to deepen the trance, it’s also the first step in breaking down any barriers they might have. If they give you permission to do that, they’ll be willing to give you permission for other things as the induction progresses.

Wow! We’re only at step 1, and there are already 3 things to remember. But don’t worry. The point is that you’ll be doing these 3 things simultaneously. And once you become familiar with the technique you’ll do it almost instantly. Here’s an example of how this first step might work in practice:

"From time-to-time I may want to touch you on the arm or shoulder as part of the work, is it OK with you if I do that?"

That’s it. You’ve asked for permission to make contact. Just make sure you bring your H+ attitude to the ballgame and everything else should flow smoothly.

2. Induce Trance

The second step is where you quickly induce the trance. You don’t need to make a song and dance about it – just go for it. It’s really the simplest step of the bunch, so let’s look at an example before we get to the explanation.

"Close your eyes and go into hypnosis."

You’ll notice that this is in the form of an instruction. You’re not asking them to go into hypnosis, you’re telling them. We can assume that if they’ve given you permission to touch them that they’re going to continue doing what you say. As luck would have it, that’s human nature, which in this case is working in your favor.

At first glance it looks like a pretty innocuous statement. But there’s something else going on. Notice the use of the word "and" in the sentence. If you haven’t spotted it, this is one of those power words.

It’s also a bridging word, linking two things together that might not necessarily belong together. In other words, there’s no reason why closing your eyes should make you go into hypnosis. The one thing doesn’t automatically follow the other. When you state it like this, however, the unconscious mind gets the message and is coaxed into following along. Read More »

Get more articles and experts’ tips on instant induction, putting a subject in trance, and hypnotherapy Hypnosis Training Academy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

HYPNOSIS COMICS: The 3 Most Common Experiences You will Encounter As A Hypnotist (And How To Deal With Them)

HYPNOSIS COMICS: The 3 Most Common Experiences You'll Encounter As A Hypnotist (And How To Deal With Them)

To most of the world, hypnosis is a curious profession.

Is it real?

Is it just mind control?

Will I get "stuck" in trance?

These are common questions hypnotists come up against throughout their careers.

Getting quizzed by people who are either simply curious or downright skeptical is one thing, but hypnotists have another issue to contend with. Especially when they’re starting out.

It’s natural in any profession to have doubts and reservations about your skills. As a hypnotist, you might worry about things such as:

Will I be able to hypnotize someone?

What happens when someone keeps coming out of trance?

Am I skilled enough to actually help others?

If any of these questions or fears rings a bell with you, read through the hypnosis comics below for a light-hearted look at some of the main issues. And some suggestions on how to deal with them.

1. First Time Nerves Over "Hypnosis Failure"

Hypnosis Comics - Unable To Induce Trance
Yikes! What if you can’t hypnotize your first client? What if your mouth dries up, or you can’t get the words out? What if you get nervous and forget everything you’re supposed to know?

There’s always a first time. The trick is not to be too hard on yourself. You can’t expect to be a master at hypnosis without lots of experience behind you.

Like any other skill, the secret is really quite simple. Practice, practice, and then practice some more. If you try and you fail, then you just keep on trying. Failure is only another word for learning.

Sooner or later everything will fall into place and you’ll do it. And then you’ll feel amazing.

2. The "Skeptics" Favorite Question: Isn’t Hypnosis Just A Form Of Mind Control?

Hypnosis Comics - Mind Control

Look into my eyes...

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just say those words and put people under your spell? But you can’t, because in real life people have their own minds and their own freedom of choice.

Hypnosis has nothing to do with mind control.

That’s an image portrayed by Hollywood B-movies, just like the story of Dracula. But surely there aren’t many people who believe there are vampires walking amongst us.

To deal with doubters and skeptics, be prepared. Tell them exactly what hypnosis is and what it does. It’s just a form of focused relaxation that lets you turn your attention toward a single thought or idea. A way to shut out the outside world so you can deal with an issue quickly and effectively.

When people go for a massage, they don’t expect the masseur to rub their skin off as part of the process. They know the trained technician will help relax their muscles, reduce their stress and improve their circulation. Not because they have magic power in their fingers, but because they know what they’re doing. Read More »

To learn more about how to overcome the common hypnosis obstacles that a hypnotist faces, please visit Hypnosis Training Academy


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5 Highly Effective (And Creative) Ways To Isolate The Conscious Mind And Speak Directly With The Unconscious Mind

5 Highly Effective (And Creative) Ways To Isolate The Conscious Mind And Speak Directly With The Unconscious Mind

Hypnosis works because it can do something extraordinary.

It can access the power of the human brain.

It can help switch off the conscious, critical, analytical mind and let the unconscious mind take over.

As soon as that happens, your subject can go into trance.

And once they’re in a trance, that’s when you can start helping them solve their problems.

Of course, because people can go into a trance completely on their own.

When they’re watching TV, or reading a book, or driving a car. Their thoughts drift away, almost as if their conscious mind was taking a break.

At times like that, it happens by accident. Where hypnosis is concerned, though, you want it to happen deliberately.

But how do you go about it?

Believe it or not, you can access the unconscious mind just by talking to people. You can put them in a trance with nothing more than a conversation... and without them even knowing you’re doing it.

Here are 5 powerful techniques that will enable you to achieve that.

1. Anecdote: The Hypnotic Power Of A Good Story

Can you guess how many books are published every year?

Or how many movies are released?

Probably a lot more than you think. But why so many?

Because everybody loves a good story.

Whether it’s in the form of a novel or a film. Stories have the power to transport us.

To let us experience other people’s lives.

To help us put our problems into perspective.

And one of the easiest ways to tell a story is using the anecdote, or the My Friend John format.

It doesn’t have to be John.

It could be any name, male or female, depending on the subject and the situation.

You’re simply telling a story about a friend of yours. To follow what you’re saying, the subject has to play along. To get involved.

To relive the experience with you. And if that experience involves going into a trance, and slowing down the breathing, your subject will find it difficult to resist.

Meaning you’ll get them into a trance without even trying.

Naturally, you won’t be able to use the My Friend John (or Frank, or Barbara) technique over and over on the same subject.

Instead, you can branch out into other forms of storytelling called hypnotic lectures.

These can be either direct or indirect:

  • Direct - This involves telling stories that allow people to have an experience. Stories about figures from history or literature. Stories that already have a natural trance theme embedded in them. Like the story of Mesmer, or the Oracle of Delphi, or Milton Erickson. Or the Thousand and One Nights, where Scheherazade stalls her own execution by telling gripping stories that end with a cliffhanger. The only way for her executioner to hear the rest of the story is to spare her life, and so each night Scheherazade finishes one tale and starts another, always leaving her audience wanting more.
  • Indirect - This involves distancing yourself from the story entirely. You tell it as if it’s a story you read about, or saw on TV, or found in a report, or watched in a film. Because it’s not "your" story but someone else’s, it absolves you of any responsibility. This is particularly useful if your audience is skeptical in any way, either about hypnosis or about the subject you’re presenting.
David Hawkins quotes

2. Irresistible Induction: Your Own Performing Monkey

Want to take the perfect subject with you everywhere you go? That’s what performers did in the old days.

To others, it appeared that they were choosing people from the audience at random. In fact, those people were paid to travel around with the performer.

If you looked, you’d find them in every show, sprinkled in among the crowd. And once people saw them being influenced, being put into a trance, it reinforced their belief in the hypnotist.

It made it easier for him to hypnotize other members of the audience.


Because while he was putting his "planted" subjects into trance, the trance state affected other members of the audience too.

But doing the same thing these days is impractical.

Paying people to follow you around from one show to another can get expensive, and it might even lead to charges of fraud or misconduct.

So instead, why not use the next best thing? Yourself.

Simply describe what it feels like when you go into trance, but change from the first person to the second person.

It will sound like you’re talking about somebody else – the way their body relaxes, the way their breathing slows down, the quiet and serenity they feel inside - when in fact you’re simply describing your own experience entering a trance.

And unless they’re made of stone, your subjects will find themselves doing the same thing.

Being pulled irresistibly into an induction without even being aware of it. Read More »


You can use any or all of these techniques in whatever order you wish.

Their power lies in their ability to create a dissociation between the conscious and unconscious minds.

This helps you separate experiences out so you’re able to do something with them.

But what’s really cool is this - you can do all of it just by talking. Just by holding what seems to be an ordinary conversation. Giving you the power to "talk" to the unconscious mind directly.

Find out more from hypnotic experts about conscious and unconscious mind