Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hypnosis: Who Is Susceptible? How To Quickly Spot Highly-Hypnotizable People & The 5 Most Common Reasons Hypnosis Fails

Hypnosis: Who Is Susceptible? How To Quickly Spot Highly-Hypnotizable People & The 5 Most Common Reasons Hypnosis Fails

"You do something to me
Something that simply mystifies me
Tell me, why should it be
You have the power to hypnotize me?"

When Cole Porter wrote those lyrics, he probably wasn’t thinking about hypnosis in the therapeutic sense of the word.
And yet it throws up an interesting question:

How many people can – or how many people can’t – be hypnotized?

David Spiegel MD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University has been quoted as estimating that about 25% of people cannot be hypnotized.

So while the exact number can’t truly be known, various percentages are frequently bandied about.

To test this hypothesis out, Spiegel and his team used MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans to try and figure out why some people were more susceptible than others.

They discovered that people who were more likely to be hypnotized show more activity in areas of the brain concerned with executive control and attention.

Hypnosis susceptible brain scan

People who are easily hypnotized tend to lose track of time and get lost in a book or movie.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Dr. Spiegel said that highly hypnotizable people:

"Can readily immerse themselves in thinking about things without having their attention interrupted by pesky reminders of reality."

It’s thought that roughly between 5-10% of people are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion, while up to 79% of the population are considered moderately susceptible.

Okay, so what do those numbers tell you?

They tell you that you’ve got a good chance of hypnotizing most of the people you meet.

That’s fantastic news, right?

But what they don’t tell you, though, is who those people are and how to spot them.

That’s where street hypnotists may have the upper hand. To weave their magic, they have to act fast.

They might only have seconds to make an impression. They need to be able to spot who’ll make a good subject and who won’t before the person walks on by or loses interest.

So you might be wondering, how do they do this... Keep Reading

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Want To Become A Great Conversational Hypnotist? Here’s Why You Should Play The Role Of Merlin… Not King Arthur

 According to Arthurian legend, Merlin was the wise wizard that engineered the birth of Arthur through magic and intrigue.

Once born, Merlin carefully coached and prepared Arthur to take center stage and become the legendary figure that he did.

But without Merlin’s wise teachings and magic – Arthur never would have existed – let alone become king.

What’s this got to do with conversational hypnosis, you might be thinking?

Well, everything.

Because if you want to become a great conversational hypnotist, you need to play the role of Merlin… not Arthur.

Your job is to transform your subjects into becoming the heroes of their own stories… which can only be done if you empower them to take center stage.

Watch the video above to hear Igor explain more on this.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Interview With A Hypnotist: Laz Dorgham Reveals How To Use Hypnosis In Stressful Corporate Situations To Build Rapport & Influence Change At The Top

Interview With A Hypnotist: Laz Dorgham Reveals How To Use Hypnosis In Stressful Corporate Situations To Build Rapport & Influence Change At The Top

When you’re working with a client during a hypnosis session, one of the first things you do as a hypnotist is build rapport.

This helps put the client at ease and build trust - which is essential if you’re about to embark on a journey where they need to be vulnerable, open to change and receptive to your suggestions.

This is especially true when working in a controlled environment, such as your hypnosis practice, where you’re working one-on-one and they have specifically come to you for hypnosis.

But what if you’re not in a clinical environment?

How can you effectively use hypnosis - or teach stressed-out execs to ethically use it in highly stressful corporate situations when working with multiple people and trying to influence change where it matters the most... right at the top?

This is exactly what this month’s master hypnotist - Laz Dorgham - was curious to discover after climbing the corporate ladder and realising he could use hypnosis to assist executives.

Since this realization, Laz Dorgham has founded the Academia De La Persuasion, a Spanish speaking institution that teaches persuasion and hypnotic language.

And in this in-depth interview with Igor Ledochowski, Laz reveals what he’s learned about creating rapport from such fast-paced and stressful corporate environments. Particularly when it comes to helping people and corporations improve communication and find ways to solve complicated issues they believed to be "unmanageable."

If you would like to find out more about how you can use hypnosis in stressful professional situations, or would like to be able to help clients better manage the face-paced corporate world and influence change - go on and listen to the Part 1 of this highly-useful Free Interview at