Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Difference Between Meditation And Self-Hypnosis (And Why The Super Successful Make Them Part Of Their Morning Routines)

The Difference Between Meditation And Self-Hypnosis


The dawn of another day.

A fresh start and the beginning of a brand new adventure.

And for most successful people, it’s their morning routine that shifts them into gear.

So they can face whatever gets thrown at them with confidence and a clear head.

Sure, doing the same thing every morning might seem boring in one sense… but look at it this way.

A routine means you don’t have to think about what you’re doing when you crawl out from under the sheets.

You know exactly what steps you’re going to work through.

You know what food you’re going to eat, what papers you’re going to read, or what actions you’re going to take.

It might not be the most exciting part of the day, but it doesn’t have to be.

You’re not doing it for the thrill. You’re doing it to gently revive your body and mind.

And because it’s the same old thing, day after day, you can just get on with it.

You don’t have to labor over it.

That gives you the time and space to collect your thoughts. To get ready for another busy day.

To enjoy a few moments of peace and solitude before your hectic schedule takes over.

But what’s the best way to go about it?

Not surprisingly, some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs do a lot of the same things.

And one technique many of them have in common is… meditation.

Famous Faces Who Spend Their Mornings Meditating

What’s so special about meditation?

People who practice it all say the same thing. It makes them feel better. Better about themselves and about the world around them.

Some of the benefits they claim to enjoy include:
  • Lower stress levels
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Sharper thinking
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Improved overall health
And all of that from just sitting still.

Self-help guru and motivational speaker Tony Robbins says meditation changed his life. He recommends doing an “Hour of Power” every morning, which for him involves a combination of visualization and positive affirmations.

Director David Lynch of Twin Peaks fame meditates twice a day, every day. He credits the practice with giving him energy, creativity and a deep inner satisfaction.

Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, says that meditation is responsible for his success. He claims it helps him stay centered, stay creative, and maintain a healthy and peaceful life.

So if meditation can bring all of that, why isn’t everyone doing it?

Could it be that on some level they just don’t think it will work?

Or that they need some kind of spiritual guru to guide them?

Keep Reading to find out everything about meditation and how you can achieve the same things, and much more, using self-hypnosis?

Check out the complete article at HypnosisTrainingAcademy.com find out why the most successful people have made meditation and self hypnosis part of their daily routines.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Hypnosis: What To Expect? The 8-Step Guide On How To Advise First-Time Subjects [Includes Infographic]

Hypnosis: What To Expect? The 8-Step Guide On How To Advise First-Time Subjects [Includes Infographic]

Imagine this scenario...

You're at a party or an event and word gets out that you're a hypnotist.

Suddenly everybody's curious and before you can say, "You're getting sleepy," there's a crowd gathering.

But you soon find out that it's not just idle curiosity. Far from it. Because most people have no idea what hypnosis is or how it works.

So they do what seems logical in this type of situation: They ask lots of questions.

Questions like...

  • What's hypnosis like?
  • Can anyone be hypnotized?
  • What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
  • Exactly what happens during a hypnosis session?

Now, you can't just fob them off. As tedious as it might be to answer these kinds of questions over and over again, it's something you should be willing to do.

After all, you can't be a hypnotist without having subjects to hypnotize. So rather than thinking of it as a chore, think of it as a quick and painless recruitment tool.

Also, remember that for many people...

Their first hypnosis session will be a journey into the unknown.

They'll have no idea what to expect.

Whatever you tell them could be crucial in planting the seeds that will help them decide whether or not to give hypnosis a shot.

So what kinds of things should you say?

Obviously, it makes sense to have some kind of response prepared and memorized that you can reel off so you're not caught off guard.

This might also save you the hassle of having to answer any "hypnosis and chicken" related questions… we hope.

But as mentioned above, this is all part and parcel of being a good hypnotist.

It's your role to help people bypass the limitations surrounding their conscious mind's wall so they can access infinite possibilities.

What Hypnosis Is Not - And What Can Stop It From Working

Hypnosis has a long history of being poorly understood. Whether that's down to a certain amount of quackery or to its portrayal in cinema and the media, it doesn't really matter.

As the hypnotist, your role is to make sure that your potential subjects/clients are not confused by the misinformation.

You can do that by quickly clearing up a few of the more common myths surrounding hypnosis. Read More »

Monday, May 22, 2017

What Is Consciousness? 8 Mind-Blowing Videos That Help Explain The Relatively Unexplainable

What Is Consciousness? 8 Mind-Blowing Videos That Help Explain The Relatively Unexplainable

Can you hold consciousness in your hand? Or point to it?

No. But that’s a puzzle in itself. After all, how can something that we all experience be so hard to grasp? So difficult to explain? So mysterious that it resists all attempts to define it, to calculate it, and to measure it?

We know that consciousness is a thing. But what else do we know?

Before we try and answer that in full, one thing that we can’t dispute is its infinite power when it comes to change work.

And that how as a hypnotherapist or hypnotist, your understanding of this power underpins everything you do – as you’re constantly working with people who are in various states of consciousness.

So, What Is Consciousness Then?

Rene Descartes famously wrote, “I think, therefore I am.”

That’s possibly the shortest and most succinct definition for consciousness you’re ever likely to find. But it might surprise you to know that it wasn’t even his idea.

Descartes’ phrase appeared in his 1637 work entitled Discourse on the Method. However, Aristotle said pretty much the same thing almost 2000 years earlier, sometime between 384 – 322 BC:

Whoever said it first, the problem still remains.

It tells us what it is, but not how or why it occurs. We can’t isolate a part of the brain and say that’s where consciousness comes from.

According to Wikipedia, consciousness is:

“The state or quality of awareness… being aware of an external object or something within oneself.”

Stuart Sutherland’s entry for the word “consciousness” in the Macmillan Dictionary of Psychology concludes with the phrase:

“… to be conscious it is only necessary to be aware of the external world.”

That’s a pretty basic and straightforward description. And yet, it isn’t enough to satisfy everyone. Many people think the question “what is consciousness?” is unsolvable. There are two reasons why they think that way, which are:

1. Because we might not have enough brainpower to figure it out
2. Because we’re part of the consciousness we’re trying to define and are unable to maintain an objective perspective on the issue

Keep Reading to know how hypnosis experts at Hypnosis Training Academy explain Consciousness and check out these 8 cool videos at HypnosisTrainingAcademy.com that explain the unexplainable and answer the question that’s puzzled some of the greatest minds in history.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Interview With A Hypnotist: Dr. Ed Tori’s 6 Keys To Greater Influence & How To Inspire Healthy Behavior

Interview With A Hypnotist: Dr. Ed Tori’s 6 Keys To Greater Influence & How To Inspire Healthy Behavior

With great influence comes great responsibility.

And when it comes to influence in hypnosis, two of the most important rapport building tools are conversational hypnosis and hypnotic language patterns.

They allow you, as the hypnotist, to quickly gain your subject’s trust so you’re able to help them overcome any issues and lead more positive lives.

Therefore, given the power of conversational hypnosis and influence, it’s understandable why this month’s master hypnotist - Dr. Ed Tori – was curious to see how these hypnosis tools could be used in a medical setting.

This curiosity, in addition to his strong belief in hypnosis, are the reasons he founded the Influence Center, a facility within his healthcare institution designed to help medical professionals harness the power of conversational hypnosis, influence and persuasion so they can help patients and colleagues.

In this month’s engaging interview with Igor Ledochowski, Dr. Tori shares this journey and reveals the 6 essential rules for anyone who wants to be more influential, in addition to why rapport is a secret tool for increasing healthy behaviors.

He also explains how to make your time more constructive with mind mapping and the secret to keeping your energy levels up so you can pick up new skills no matter how busy you are.

Click here to listen to Part 1 of this powerful interview

Friday, May 12, 2017

Is Online Therapy As Effective As Face-to Face Hypnotherapy?

Is Online Therapy As Effective As Face-to Face Hypnotherapy?
Where's the first place you turn when you want to find out how to do something?

To build a garage or patch up some brickwork?

Follow a particular recipe?

Check out the job market?

Knit a toy for your niece or nephew?

If you're like many people, you look it up online.

You search for step-by-step instructions, or a comprehensive video on YouTube.

And why do you do that?

Because you can.

Because it's easy.

Because you don't have to leave the house to do it.

Because you can discover what you need to know in just a few minutes.

You don't have to go to the library.

You don't have to register for a course at your local college.

You don't have to worry about wasting time or money doing it the wrong way.

Just enter what you're interested in and wait for the options to come up.

Then sit back, read or watch, and learn.

That's the power of the Internet.

It gives you instant access to information on almost any topic you can imagine.

Which makes it the perfect vehicle for so many things, including online therapy.

Can You Really Practice Hypnotherapy Online?

Online hypnotherapy is not the same as face-to-face hypnotherapy.

That goes without saying.
What you really need to be worried about is: will it work?

For some people, there will always be doubts, such as:

  • Whether or not the things you say, and how you say them, will have the same impact as in a "live" one-to-one situation
  • Whether or not your body language will transfer to your client with equal force and power
  • Whether or not you'll still be able to "go first" and use H+ in a virtual hypnotherapy setting

In short, the answer to all of the above is: as long as you commit to the process, you will absolutely be able to deliver.

Keep reading to dig deeper into the online hypnotherapy. How effective these therapy are, what are the benefits you can get and how it works.. all your questions have been answered by HypnosisTrainingAcademy.